Become an Instructor


“This program is for Sailors, Teachers, and Dreamers who love sailing and teaching while living the dream.”

Spinnaker Crew Sailing provides Instructor Certifications through The American Sailing Association. We host multiple clinics throughout the year to enable individuals to become ASA certified instructors! If you are a sailor with some experience who wants to teach others, or have lots of teaching experience and enjoy teaching family or friends how to sail then joining our team is for you!

Teaching sailing is the best way to achieve mastery of sailing. As a professional sailor, you can learn all the ins and outs of sailing and make money while doing it. How can we possibly make a sailors life any better? Start living the dream and join our team of the best sailing instructors around!

Complete your ASA instruction qualification clinic(s) at Spinnaker Crew Sailing and join our team of highly respected and award winning professionals

ASA Requirements

  • Be 18 years of age

  • Have at least three years of sailing experience

  • Be certified to ASA 101. This requirement can be met by testing out of ASA 101 at our location for $250 or taking the two-day course for $590.00 on a weekend.

  • The combination ASA 201-203 certification takes place over a Friday, Saturday and Sunday. There are classroom portions of the clinic as well as on the water portions where you will demonstrate your ability to perform the sailing requirements. You will bring the completed ASA 101 & ASA 103 exams to the clinic.

    • ASA 201 (Basic Keelboat Sailing) is one day (Thursday)

    • ASA 202 (Keelboat 2) is one day (Friday)

    • ASA 203 (Basic Coastal Cruising) is one day (Saturday & Sunday).

The financials…

  • TOTAL COST: $1,830

  • Includes:

    • ASA Instructor Membership for the remainder of the current year

    • Certification fees.

    • Books are not included as most already have the books. They can be ordered through the Spinnaker Crew Sailing website.

Even though you can earn your ASA Instructor Certificate without holding a US Merchant Marine Credential (Captain's License), in order to teach on the water, you will need to be a licensed USCG captain

Interested in taking the next step or learning more?