Empowering your quest for adventure

Custom Sailing Lessons

Freedom to explore…

At Spinnaker Crew Sailing, we know that confidence is what you seek when out on the water. We also that getting an official certification may not be your end goal as well. Consequently, we have designed our lessons to be practical. Emphasis on practical!

We have done the heavy lifting of discerning what is essential, practical, and important in these customized classes. Our 10 lessons have been designed to be modular and really focused on the key topics that we have heard over and over represent the key areas that individuals want additional experience.

In these lessons, a licensed USCG Captain and certified sailing instructor will cover the key concepts briefly and then focus the majority of the 4 or 8 hour session on the “doing”. We believe that the best learning comes when individuals are empowered, can feel relaxed to try and make a mistake, and in all cases - doing!

While we have created many lessons that are very popular and, in our experience, reflect the key areas that individuals are looking to gain more confidence in, we can work with the sailor to create a lesson that meets their specific learning objectives (SPIN10).

  • Designed for beginner sailors, this 4 hour introductory course will teach the student the fundamentals of sailing including terminology, parts of the boat, points of sail, and how sailing works. With practical on-water experience the student will get real world experience in departing, sailing, and returning to the dock. Students enrolling in this class at The Spinnaker Crew would have limited or no previous experience in sailing. After taking this class, students will have a working knowledge of basic sailing fundamentals.

  • This course has been designed for someone who has been sailing (or has sailed in the past). It is the perfect refresher to get mariners refamiliarized with the basic skills. It builds on the Sailing Fundamentals course by leveraging the fact that terminology and practical experience is the baseline. In this 4-hour course, more emphasis is placed on sail trim, maneuvering, docking, and practical boat management. Students who enroll in this course should have either attended the Sailing Fundamentals course or have other documented experience.

  • This course has been designed for the Intermediate to Advanced sailor who has the basics mastered. Spinnaker Crew Sailing offers an 8-hour course designed to go over sailboat systems, cruise planning, and the basics of coastal navigation. It will allow the sailor to gain a familiarity with the essentials in sailing from port to port. Although this course has practical on water time, much of this course is designed for learning how to cruise. Students enrolling in this course should have either attended the Basic Skills course or have other documented experience.

  • For advanced sailors, Spinnaker Crew Sailing offers an advanced class designed to build off the fundamentals of sailing and provide on-water training of making sail adjustments. In this 4-hour course, sailors will learn how to make fine-tuned sail adjustments on each point of sail. Additionally, dependent on the weather, sailors will make adjustments to the sail plan and use proper techniques for reefing. And in all cases, practice ensuring the boat can be put into hove-to. Students enrolling in this course should have either attended the Spinnaker Crew Cruising Skills course or have other documented experience.

  • According to the American Sailing Association, Docking and Anchoring continue to be at the top of the list for skills that sailors want to hone and refine. Consequently, and no surprise, those critical aspects of sailing produce the most anxiety in all sailors.

    Sailors can expect to practice departing and returning to the dock in various conditions (e.g., head-to-wind, wind astern, etc.). Before departing, the fundamental and practical skills will be reviewed to ensure the sailors are positioned for success before heading out to practice.

    This 4-hour course will give sailors the knowledge and the confidence they are looking for to allow them to have a solid game plan the next time they are behind the helm. All sailors are welcome to register.

  • In this anchoring class, students will learn how to anchor properly so that they can feel confident that when the anchor is set, that they will remain in place.

    Before departing, the fundamental and practical skills will be reviewed to ensure the sailors are positioned for success before heading out to practice. Additionally, the course will introduce multiple techniques necessary to have in the sailor’s tool bag.

    This 4-hour course will give sailors the knowledge and the confidence they are looking for to allow them to drop the hook and feel confident the next time they anchor their boat. All sailors are welcome to register.

  • If something goes wrong while out at sea, you as the captain are responsible. Are you prepared? In this course designed for all sailors, students will learn the essentials for being safe at sea. What are the safety requirements for the boat? Who has the right of way between two vessels? What should I do if I accidentally ground the sailboat? All of these questions and more will be answered in this course.

    As the captain of your sailboat, you are responsible. According to the USCG Auxiliary, less than 5% of all boaters know the rules of the road yet all boaters are held accountable to them.

    In this 4-hour course, you will learn how to keep you, your crew, and your boat safe. All sailors are welcome to register.

  • In this course, sailors will gain a thorough understanding of the systems that are essential for boats designed for cruising.

    Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, Navigation, and Water systems are all a very real aspect of today’s cruising sailboats. They are great additions to sailing in comfort, but also represent increased knowledge to be able to keep the boat in operational condition as well as understand what to do in case of an emergency.

    This 4-hour class is designed to go through each sailboat system and provide the sailor with the knowledge necessary for proper upkeep as well as to be the first responder in case of an emergency. All sailors are welcome to register.

  • In this custom class, the instructor and the individual will identify the learning objectives ahead of time and put together a specific course that meets the needs of the mariner.

    We have conducted this class many times in the past and have not found a common theme across the courses. This continues to reiterate to us that the needs and the topics that individuals want to cover vary from person to person.

    At Spinnaker Crew Sailing, we can develop the custom course to meet your needs in 4 or 8 hour blocks. Contact us to design the course that meets your needs.